10 Minutes A Week Will Change Your Network
What can you do in 10 minutes? You can:
- File your nails.
- Organize your sock drawer.
- Re-write your to-do list.
- Procrastinate on getting out of bed.
- Wait in line in Starbucks to order (or pick-up) your cappuccino.
Or, you can transform how you network.
Yes, beyond the book, the tweets and the blog — Kelly’isms are now available on the Build Your Dream Network podcast. With a couple of exceptions to the format (as who needs to adhere to rigid rules ALL the time), I’ve created a weekly podcast with a 10 minute format. No excuses on saying you have no time to build your dream network, because in 10 minutes you can learn to:
- Ditch the myth that networking = schmoozing.
- Do a network audit.
- Master the informational interview.
- Build relationships with early-stage investors.
- Jumpstart your career.
- Land (and leverage) an internship.
- Think bigger about who is in your network.
- Forget luck and take control of serendipity.
- Avoid making two costly networking mistakes.
- Network during the holidays without sending out cards or hosting a party.
And more.
Give your career networking a boost by taking ten.
Have a networking question that needs an answer? Send it my way.