30 Days Of Network Building: Week 3

J. Kelly Hoey
6 min readApr 19, 2020


30 days hath the month of April, and this month I’ve been challenging myself to post a network-building suggestion every day — based on the special theme of the day (yes, there are many many special unofficial holidays every month).

Why on earth am I doing this? As I’ve shared in the two prior posts, while a lot of life is on pause, building connections is not — and as old modes of networking aren’t on the calendar, network-building efforts need a dose of creativity.

The intent of these daily posts it to encourage you to continue to connect, in consistent, manageable, ways with people in your life.

Below is a rundown of the third week of my 30 days of network-building suggestions.

Day 13 of #BYDN #30DaysOfNetworkBuilding — — and it’s plant appreciation day! If you, like me, are living alone, you may have already been talking to and giving your plants a little extra TLC.

How to build your dream network on plant appreciation day? I’ve got 5 ideas:

  1. Share same plant care tips
    2. Challenge friends to see who can grow onions, romaine lettuce or garlic from scraps https://lnkd.in/dPTx43a
    3. Get some fresh produce aka plants on the table by subscribing to a CSA (maybe subscribe for a friend too) https://lnkd.in/d6ypQN4
    4. Brighten someone’s day by sending them a plant https://www.thesill.com/ Think about sending rosemary, bamboo, jasmine or an orchid as all attract positive energy (and we need that right now).
    5. Take an online plant workshop with a friends https://lnkd.in/duMetrk

Day 14 of #BYDN #30DaysofNetworkBuilding and it’s International Moment of Laughter Day. Yes, the objective of this special day is to get people to smile, and laugh. Damn, don’t we all need a laugh and a smile right about now? Maybe, just maybe “laughter can be the best medicine” for all that ails us.

Go forth and put a smile or laugh on someone’s face today.

Half way there. It’s Day 15 of the #BYDN #30DaysOfNetworkBuilding and it’s That Sucks Day. That Sucks Day is without a doubt a special day of celebration. Without a doubt, things really do suck right now.

So go celebrate all that sucks in your life, your friends lives, at work, in business, in the community, the world.

And when you’ve exhausted yourself with celebrating all that sucks, start writing a list of what you’re going to do about the things that suck. Will you volunteer? Start a movement? Join a campaign? Launch a venture? Enlist help? Rally a community?

To borrow from Tina Roth Eisenberg, founder of CreativeMornings — — do something about the things you’re complaining about, or move on. Though today, you can mask those complaints, whinges, criticisms under the celebratory umbrella of That Sucks Day.

Go forth and celebrate, That Sucks Day then transform that energy into network-building solutions to correct all that sucks.

Day 16 of #BYDN #30DaysofNetworkBuilding and it’s National High Five Day. The high five, the standard for decades of celebrating IRL moments together like a sporting victory, or graduation. You may not be feeling like celebrating, but lifting someone else’s spirits today could be just what they need.

Life strangely continues, so what can we high five today?

Do you know someone who is graduating? Received their college acceptance or achieved another early career milestone? Send a virtual high five.

Who has an anniversary (marriage, work, exercise, diet) or birthday today? Send them a celebratory high five!

Is there someone in your network who embarked on a 100 Day Project? Send out a celebratory high five for committing to that!

Pivoted a business or product line? Send a high five. Managing to hold it together? Send a high five.

Yes, this is when scouring the social media accounts of your network is truly encouraged. Snoop around to find something to celebrate — as the accomplishment or milestone may go unnoticed otherwise.

Big high five from me for making it to Day 16 of #BYDN #30DaysofNetworkBuilding.

Day 17 of the #BYDN #30DaysOfNetworking and it’s Blah, Blah, Blah Day. Blah, Blah, Blah Day is a day to tackle the blah-est — that is, all the to-do’s, projects and things other people have been suggesting you do. I can imagine there are a few #BYDN items on your Blah, Blah, Blah Day list.

Shall I remind you?

1. If you’re in #career transition make sure your #LinkedIn profile aligns with your resume.

2. If you’re caught up with Netflix, how about catching up with your #network?

3. If you’ve got a #newjob or #internship that starts in June, how about just checking in with your new boss?

4. Can you do 1 thing each day till the end off this month, to reinforce #connections and strengthen your network?

Blah, Blah, Blah I can go on, as I have on this topic, since 2017 when #BYDN was published, and I shall continue to blah, blah, blah on the importance of regular, daily #networking.

Go forth and tackle all the Blah Blah Blah on your list today.

Day 18 of the #BYDN #30DaysOfNetworkBuilding and it’s International Jugglers Day and World Juggler’s Day. Today celebrates the skill of juggling — of being able to continuously toss a number of balls or objects in the air or cope with life’s multiple demands by adroitly balancing it all.

You may not have a professional juggler in the tossing clubs or flaming sticks sense in your life to celebrate today, but I bet you know a few people who are juggling a lot of demands.

Who in your life is juggling home-schooling, work and primary care responsibilities for aging parents?

Who in you life is juggling with keeping their business afloat and figuring out government loans + other grant or relief packages

Who in your life is juggling a lot, and could use some cheer, a pick-me-up and a little emotional support today?

Day 19 of the #BYDN #30DaysOfNetworkBuilding and it’s National Garlic Day. Yes, today promotes the many uses of the small, but mighty Garlic.

Garlic is packed with vitamins B and C, manganese, selenium, iron, copper and potassium. Plus allicin. Allicin is a compound produced when garlic is crushed or chopped — — found to reduce inflammation and offer antioxidant benefits.

3 health benefits of garlic: it promotes heart health; contains cancer-fighting characteristics; and acts as a natural antibiotic.

And today, on National Garlic Day, as a way to connect with your network: Share your favorite garlic recipe, or storing or chopping tip. Or drop off a batch of your healing 40 clove garlic soup for a friend or neighbor in need.

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J. Kelly Hoey
J. Kelly Hoey

Written by J. Kelly Hoey

Design the career you’re destined to have around the relationships you’re building today // Facilitator + Strategic Advisor + Coach + Author

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