Bring Your Baggage and Your Favorite Beverage: Happy Hour with Author Helen Ellis
Wednesday, August 4th, 5:00–6:00 p.m. ET
The bestselling author of American Housewife and Southern Lady Code returns with a viciously funny, deeply felt collection of essays on friendship among grown-ass women. Bring Your Baggage and Don’t Pack Light reads like the best cocktail party of your life plan to join us on August 4, as we gather (virtually) with Helen Ellis for a happy hour filled with questions, conversation and likely, more than a few laughs.
Bring Your Baggage and Don’t Pack Light is twelve gloriously comic and moving essays! Helen dishes on married middle-age sex, sobs with a theater full of women as a psychic exorcises their sorrows, gets twenty shots of stomach bile to the neck to get rid of her double chin, and gathers up the courage to ask, “Are you there, Menopause? It’s Me, Helen.”
Kirkus calls it “Darkly hilarious” and Martha Steward Living says it’s “an uproarious joyride, best enjoyed with a souvenir cup of white wine”. Come find out for yourself on August 4 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern at this Women’s Media Group + Shakespeare & Co Bookstore Zoom event.
About the Author:
Helen Ellis is the author of Southern Lady Code, American Housewife and Eating the Cheshire Cat. Raised in Alabama, she lives with her husband in New York City. You can find her on Twitter @WhatIDoAllDay and Instagram @HelenEllisAuthor.
About the Moderator:
Kelly Hoey is the author of Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-Connected World. Raised in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Kelly has called NYC home since 1998. You can find her on Twitter @jkhoey and Instagram @jkellyhoey.