Build Your Dream Network on Extraordinary Women Radio
Build Your Dream Network author, Kelly Hoey recently shared her career story with Kami Guildner, founder of Extraordinary Women Radio.
In this episode, Kelly shares:
- Her humble career journey as an attorney, how she was able to make a shift because of her networking and why she finally decided to write her “Build Your Dream Network” book.
- Understanding career risks and how you can conquer the fear of making calculated career leaps.
- The essence of networking (it’s not what you imagine!) and its benefits.
Quotes from this episode:
Listen to the full conversation Kelly had with Kami Guildner, host of Extraordinary Women Radio.
“Maybe that’s one of the many networking lessons in my life. It’s like, we can all slide our credit cards and say we’re a member. But, how do you show up?” — Kelly Hoey
“I have a skill set, I have a reputation in an existing industry, what’s the worst thing that can happen. I can go back to a really decent, well-paying job that kind of bores me, if that’s the worst, why wouldn’t I take the leap?” — Kelly Hoey
“You are your own best investment. Sometimes, you gotta go and take a risk on yourself.” — Kelly Hoey
“But, if there’s one weakness in the way we build relationships, we want to do it organically, we want to build that depth of a connection before we ask for something. And, we need to kind of get over that.” — Kelly Hoey
“Even if you don’t know someone very well, you can use your emotional intelligence to connect with them.” — Kelly Hoey
“Why are you denying someone your talent? Why are you denying someone a solution to a pain point you know they’re having?” — Kelly Hoey
“You got to realize that just because we have the same technology tools to use, we don’t use it in the same way.” — Kelly Hoey
“If you would not say it to someone’s face, if you were standing next to them in an office building, then do not say it to them on LinkedIn.” — Kelly Hoey
3 Pearls of Wisdoms From Kelly:
“Stop committing random acts of networking. Be personal, be authentic, be present.” — Kelly Hoey
Find Kelly’s interview and more Extraordinary Women Radio conversations here.
1. Build your expertise.
2. Build your relationships.
3. Build your YES ME fund
Originally published at on March 2, 2021.
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