Do You Give A Damn About Your Network
This week on the podcast, I’m really driving home the point of how you regularly show up for your network really does matter. It’s tucked after my #BYDN job search suggestions for those who in spite of life plans, and work experience now suddenly find themselves on the job market.
But back to the underlying message: if you want your network to give a damn about your hardships, needs, urgencies, I would hope that you have given your connections the same courtesy in the past. Perhaps this is not the advice you want to hear but it needs to be said, as the economy remain precarious and job market highly uncertain for the foreseeable future. Everyone has an urgent need and limited resources right now — which leads me to believe that we’ll all be increasingly more selective as to who and when we’re tapped for help.
Being a team player has positive career consequences — most importantly, others will want to help you, for no other reason than you’ve shown up for them or others, in the past.
Pulling a little wisdom from Build Your Dream Network (the book, not the podcast) to further back me up on this:
“Increasingly, I see the importance of networking as part of a team — that is, the formal and informal groups we all can choose to be a part of. You can choose to simply show up at work every day, or you can actively engage with your colleagues. The more visible and trusted you are in your industry, the more ability you have to leverage the strengths and expertise of others when you’re pursuing something new. It also makes you more productive (and we all know our time is as valuable as our relation- ships)!” — Joe Styler
More productive. More opportunities. Who doesn’t want that in their career? Joe Styler’s career networking roadmap is one I frequently refer to. You should too. You’ll find it at page 75 of Build Your Dream Network.
You’ll find this week’s podcast episode (Positioning Yourself For Job Search Success) on iTunes, Spotify and hosts of other podcasting sites.
You’ll find me at The Mom Project’s Unity Hour this Friday (May 8). I’m hanging with my good friends at the Canadian Digital Network on May 13 (Strategies to Pivot Your Business Networking). Also on May 13, I’m joining Cambridge University Women in Business Society for an Instagram Live Q&A session. From moms to startups to students, seems there are a lot of folks realizing the importance and power of having a dream network.
You could find yourself winning a signed copy of Build Your Dream Network. Yes, head over to GoodReads as this is your chance to win one of 10 free signed copies of my book.