Drop Kick The Idea Of Having To Return A Networking Favor
On The Podcast This Week: Reciprocating A Networking Favor
The idea that a networking favor must be returned in kind — annoys me and is the topic I discuss on the podcast this week. The notion is outdated. It creates a power imbalance and holds people back from asking for favors (favors as in introductions, or informational interviews and the like). It puts students and younger professionals in an especially awkward position because (as I have heard endlessly) they “don’t feel they have anything to give” the person providing the intro or other networking favor in return.
So yes, I kick the intro for intro model of returning a favor to the curb, joyfully and with a little humor (+ historical analogy). Let me know what you think.
From My Network: Follow the Networking Trail
Some weeks a profound networking insight lands in my inbox and I just have to share it. This week it came from female founder Jia Li. Jia reached out to let me know she’d happened to watch a video of a talk I gave at Startupfest. My talk led her to an online masterclass with Spanx founder Sara Blakely. A pearl of Sara’s advice dished out in the masterclass was the breakthrough guidance Jia needed to grow her own business. I know all of this because Jia sent me a note (snail mail) detailing all this.
Why am I sharing this?
Too often, we fail to acknowledge who sent us a lead, shared a tip, or made an initial introduction. Whether it is landing a job or securing a new customer account, the journey is typically not a straight line. An initial intro may start the conversation with a potential customer by way of example, then months and endless communications later you finally get the signed contract. Yes, you put in the lion’s share of the work, but never forget who started the conversation.
Never forget that no one goes it alone. Don’t diminish the value you receive from your network because it was “an intro they made months ago” or “it was just an article they sent along”. That help got the ball rolling. Recognize it — for your own networking good.
30-Day Networking Challenge
Have you signed on to my 30-day networking challenge? The beauty of it is you can start ANYTIME (no, don’t put it off till next month) and all I’m asking you to commit to doing is ONE networking act a day. One action to connect with someone in your network. It could be wishing them a happy birthday or recommending a video or sending along an article of interest. No requirement to attend a meet-up or grab coffee (unless that is what you really want to do). I’ve created a worksheet so you can keep track of your progress. Download it here.
Is there a networking question you’d like answered? Let me know by completing this short BYDN survey.